Tenses for Verb – (不規則動詞)です。 作る



過去連続 – “I was making the coffee at 6.今朝は6時半にコーヒーを入れていました。”

Past Simple – “I made the tea yesterday, it’s your turn today.”

Past Perfect Simple – “今晩帰宅するまでに、私はすでに100杯の紅茶を作っていました。”

Past Perfect Continuous – “紅茶を作っているときに、お湯を沸かしていないことに気づきました。”

The Present

Present Continuous – “It is 7.30 of the morning and I’m making a pot of coffee.”

Present Continuous – “I was not found to the time one’s in the day.”

Present Simple – “私はいつも朝一番にコーヒーを入れます”

Present Perfect Simple – “私は今週すでに6回コーヒーを入れました、あなたの番でしょう”

Present Perfect Continuous – “私は起きてから家族のためにコーヒーを入れているようです”

The Future

Future Continuous – “I make a cup of tea in minute, you need one?”.

Future Simple – “No thanks, I think I’ll make some coffee when I get up.”

Future Perfect Simple – “Don’t worry, by the time you get up I will already made a cup of coffee.”

Future Perfect Continuous – “After all, this evening by I will be making tea all day at work.”

English Grammar

