
これらのイースターの説教は、聖書のテキストの配列と、ティム・ケラー、N.T.ライト、マリア・カルメロ、マリア・カルメロなどの説教者の多様な声も特徴としています。 ラルフ・ウェスト、ラッセル・ムーア、リック・ウォレン、ジョン・ストットなど。

Jesus Vindicated
Tim Keller

Your New Identity
Bryan Chapell

The Uncomfortable Truth of Easter
As Easter people, it is our duty to make Christ’s kingdom and justice known in his world.
N.T.S. No.
N.T. Wright

The Safest Safe
There’s only one safe place on earth-to be hands of our faithful God.
Ralph West

Two Graves, Two Gardens
Eus is not only reverses the story of Adam, but he reverses our story as well.イエスはアダムと私たちの物語を逆転させただけでなく、同じように私たちの物語を逆転させた。
Russell Moore

The Up-to-the-Minute Relevance of the Resurrection
The Resurrection of Jesus is resonate with the human condition at all times.
John Stott

What Difference Does Easter Make?
Jesus Christ’s resurrection can transform the way I live and the way I die.
Rick Warren

Easter Hope
The reality of Easter is something worth celebrating.
Jesus Christ’s resurrection can change the way I live and the way I die.
Ken Shigematsu

The World’s Greatest Step
The story of the resurrection is just good news; it’s true news.
John Ortberg

Explore Preaching Today’s Easter Holiday Page:
Easter Semons and Sermon Illustrations
Find fresh ideas to ignite your Easter Sermon prep.

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